Posts Tagged ‘Gifts’

You can’t do it all but you can do something…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

You CAN do something


Be a light for others.

It’s all good and well to post memes and quotes about right action and helping others less fortunate or capable…

But it’s another thing to take action and actually help.

No dollar is too small, only the one not given.

No kind word is useless except for the one not spoken.

No donation of clothing, socks or blankets goes unnoticed except for those shivering on the streets or in poverty without receiving them.

Anything you give matters to the one in desperate need of it.

Memes alone don’t keep people warm, they don’t protect children or donate on your behalf.

Please take the small amount of time it takes to ACT on the topics you talk and post about.

There are so many ways you CAN make a real difference, right now.

BE for others the hands you’d want most in your life if it were your time in need.

There is no separation, no “other people’s children” or “other people’s struggle”

You can’t do it all but you can do something.

Do that something now.

Together, giving what we can, where we can, we stand for all. 

Be your integrity not a meme of it.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

The value of what can’t be measured…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Surface success will never grow the soul


We need to value what can’t be measured in order to be in balance behind the scenes as well.

Surface success will never grow the soul,

the heart,

or home. 

Don’t let anyone convince you that success comes at the sacrifice of your family or your health. 

And don’t think that a carefully constructed public profile of pretending to be ‘living the dream’ is doing you any favours. 

If your wellbeing behind closed doors is parched and ragged…

then you’re missing the point

and missing your life.

Take care to have balance.

You matter.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

What are you going to do with all that dark?

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

This world needs your light.


What are you going to do with all that dark?

Find a way to glow in it…


Because that’s what you do in the dark, you find the light…

you find the smallest speck and you grow it…

and then you exude that light,

and then you shine it everywhere so that others can find the light inside themselves,

and realise their fierce right to own it. 

Shine fierce. 

Anyone who wants to complain can wear shades in the back row. 

Whoever wants you to play small, is too small for you. 

This world needs your light.

Own it. 

You matter. 

Live out loud. 

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

You WERE born with a compass…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Learn to read them

Emotions and feelings are guideposts, important messengers. 

They’re really the answers within you, every time. 

They’re a built in compass that save you enormous time, money, effort and energy. 

Many people try to avoid uncomfortable feelings like the plague.

They want them to go away or be ‘fixed’ but the truth is…

emotions are there for a powerful reason, and their enormous worth and value are all too often overlooked. 

It’s like turning down a valuable gift that you really need…

all because you don’t like the packaging. 

But the quicker you get the packaging off, the quicker you uncover the gifts and are able to use them. 

When you lean into the feeling instead, and listen to it,

you become more empowered,

switched on, 

and energised.

Because you find out exactly what’s going on. 

Emotions will tell you where you’re depleted or weakened,

and what needs changing.

They’ll tell you if a boundary of yours has been compromised,

and what steps and decisions you need to make.

The additional bonus is you get to know yourself in ways you never knew before.

This leads to greater empowerment, clarity and groundedness. 

It makes you much less likely to be tripped up and waylaid by someone else’s ideas of what you need. 

It gets you in tune with your own inner compass.

It gets you moving from stuck… to momentum.

Pay attention to your feelings and lean in…

You WERE born with a compass,

a manual…

and your emotions are a big part of the instructions.

Learn to read them. 

Own your life.

You matter. 

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

No matter what happens…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Roll the dice a hundred and one

It’s ultimately not about losing or winning, it’s casting your roll again and again.

That’s where you’ll find yourself breathing the fullest, that’s where you find yourself living out loud. 

No matter what happens, get up and roll again…

As Rumi said – “Your life has been a mad gamble. 
Make it more so.
You have lost now a hundred times running.
Roll the dice a hundred and one.”

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost


Your world is bigger than 4 walls and it calls you…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Don’t stay in one repeat episode


These moments are your life…

Live them in new ways… 

Climb out the other side of the bed each morning.

Don’t reach for your phone right away, let your soul come back all the way first. 

Notice small things, kneel in the garden, the park, watch the tiny worlds living amongst the grass. 

Remember how your heart beats for you each day, take deep breaths in return. 

Work in a different room or corner of your home. 

If you don’t work or you work for someone else, carry a stone or scrap of paper in your pocket with something valuable written on it.

It can be a quote,

a word,

a wish,

your name…

Remember your world is bigger than 4 walls and it calls to you. 

Eat outside. 

Help someone. 

Love the miracle of being here, alive, playing yourself for a short time on this magnificent stage.

Love your character.

Write it new lines. 

Remember to let it laugh, weep, dance, fall down, get up, love.

Think outside the old lines.

Don’t stay in one repeat episode. 

This day isn’t a rehearsal for something ‘better’ up ahead. 

Walk into new rooms, make new chapters.

Own your moments, your life is made of these. 

Occupy them.

Our time here is brief.

Live it wild, w i d e, open and deep.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

Take time for silence…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

You are enough, you do enough


Take time for silence, reflection, pondering, emptying, space, stillness. 

You don’t have to justify your value with constant productivity.

You are enough, you do enough. 

Breathing and rising each day is a gift, take time to lean into that.

And take time off grid whenever you need. 

Your wellbeing is crucial…

And answers often find us in those quiet, intimate corners of our lives. 

You matter.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

The bright messenger…

Posted on: February 10th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

The bright messenger…

Contrary to many negative opinions on this emotion, I personally don’t view anger as the bad guy. 

Like money, it’s the use of it in our hands which determines a positive or negative outcome. 
Anger is a powerful and bright friend who alerts us when our boundaries are being crossed. 
It lets us know when something matters and we need to take action. 
It allows us to get clear, to take a stand, to not force our self-knowing into mute rage inside our bodies. 
Anger helps us rise, and say: ‘No’ 
Anger tells us when to walk away from what doesn’t serve us and it gifts us the fuel to believe in our worthiness, to choose what does belong in our lives. 
Don’t compromise your integrity by misjudging or fearing your anger. It’s a messenger. 
It says;  “This matters, and so beautiful soul, do you.”
– Dr Lynika

Respect your bravery…

Posted on: December 29th, 2016 by Lynika Write A Comment
Respect your Bravery

Respect your Bravery

There are so many things to bless in our lives, even the little things, even if all you have is yourself right now, then take heart, this is the exact opportunity for you to be the kindest, most reliable and understanding friend you have.

Believe in yourself, be kind to yourself and don’t get adversity confused with bad luck or unfairness.

It hurts sometimes yes, it’s incredibly difficult sometimes too, let’s face it, sometimes it feels too much.

But the truth is, you’re in training, you’re doing the hard work, you’re pushing for something worthwhile, adversity doesn’t skip town on paying or rewarding you for the hard slog and/or dark times.

No, sometimes we just forget to look at what it’s gifted us.

Sometimes we are so busy and caught up looking at what it took from us that we can’t see what it has left us.

I’m not saying it’s easy, it’s not. But it’s worth it.

Look in the right places and the right direction and keep going. You’re worth it and I’m right here with you, sailing my own seas and you know what, I think of you every day, out there, just like me, doing your very best.

I’m glad you’re on this planet, each one of us matters, each moment matters.

If this moment is hard for you, hold on.

It will turn, it will change, make sure you look for what it becomes.


You’ve gotta be relentless

Posted on: February 7th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Continue to gravitate to what feeds you, builds you and evokes your laughter and joy. That is the recipe for relentless participation in a blessed life.” ~ Lynika