
The truth about adversity…

The truth about adversity…

  Sometimes people are judgemental of those who have overcome great tragedy. They say things like: 'Oh you must have run over a China Man in a past life or I wonder what you did to attract that!' The trouble with phrases like this, are they portray adversity as...

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Your Super Power

Your Super Power

    Each December many smart folk excitedly share their upcoming resolutions for the New Year… Surprisingly many add how they almost always fail at keeping them. They mostly shrug it off as inevitable and ‘par for the course’ to lose oomph and power over...

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This isn’t a trick…

This isn’t a trick…

Whenever you bad-mouth yourself internally, you’re also listening hard.

Remember there IS a recipient on the receiving end of your inner jargon.

Catch yourself whenever you start to put yourself down or discourage yourself. In that very moment STOP and SEE that person as 3D, standing right there in the room with you, looking at you wide eyed, earnestly, waiting to trust and believe whatever comes out of your mouth.

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Don’t ‘rehearse’ life, you’re already on stage…

Don’t ‘rehearse’ life, you’re already on stage…

“When something bad, sad, disappointing, aggravating or upsetting happens, take things back into your own hands and flick the switch that changes the flow from there…

Stuff happens, it doesn’t mean we have to ‘pay the negative forward’

Remember, we own our moments, if someone or something throws a stone on your path, you don’t have to pick it up and throw it, nor carry it with you.

Make a choice to re-direct your feet back onto a path that feels better.

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The less you have the more you value it…

The less you have the more you value it…

“There are great blessings that come from times of poverty and hardship.

Learning the value of little things, the immense happiness that comes from the smallest kindness; the precious worth of a smile, a warm meal, shelter, interaction, the feeling of being wanted, loved..

Hardship offers us the chance to truly understand the things that truly matter in this life.

When we hold still long enough to see the gifts in our adversity we drop the added shackles we’ve attached to it.

We become lighter, more compassionate and wise. Gratitude becomes our dear companion who holds us up and helps us see the edge of light in every shadow.” ~Lynika

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Think about it right this moment…

Think about it right this moment…

“I believe our adversity, pain, struggle, losses and challenges are our university, they are in fact the very things that lead us to graduating into the roles and lives we yearn for.

They gift us with the skills we need to live fully. If we look at them and forage into their depths we find they gift us gratitude, patience, compassion, courage, humour, strength and a deeper appreciation for ourselves.

They also teach us to be present and grateful with every little and big thing that goes well. To embrace our happiness when it is here, to notice the little things and all the things we might otherwise take for granted.

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Let’s get this straight…

Let’s get this straight…

“A person who doubts himself is like a man who would enlist in the ranks of his enemies and bear arms against himself. He makes his failure certain by himself being the first person to be convinced of it.“ ~Alexandre Dumas (1802-1870)

The single most important key to success, sustenance and growth in ANY area of your life is this:

Championing YOURSELF.

If you aren’t sustaining your self and your own needs, if you’re not feeding the hungry parts of your own being and treating yourself with respect, dignity and support then I’m here to tell you, loud and clear.. what you have going on there is a case of neglect.

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Where true power lies…

Where true power lies…

Remember this, it’s what you do with the words after someone has spoken them to you that counts.

That’s where the true power lies.

You are the sole person who gets to say if they’re true and to take them into your life.

I’m here to tell you, it’s not true that you are unworthy of love. It’s a story, but it’s not true. It’s actually a lie.

And most of all, most imperative of all is loving yourself. Gosh, so much has been said on self-love that you may initially wince when you read those words.

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The truth is…

The truth is…

The greatest power we have is the same one we so often forget.

Sometimes we don’t realise we have mistakenly handed it over to another person, or perhaps we believe we no longer have the power because of past circumstance or a situation we’re currently in.

The truth is we always have this power and we CAN reclaim it and jump back into full throttle at any time. YOU have the power over your life to change it.

Sometimes we may not have power over outside events but the way we look at it and what we do with it IS always in our power.

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Let ’em fly..

Let ’em fly..

“Dream what you want to dream; go where you want to go; be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do.”

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