
Keep going

Keep going

  "All the small steps are what make up the walk, it doesn't matter if you pause, sometimes you need to catch your breath, re-focus. It matters that you start again. It's your life, your vision, your dreams, hopes and desires. Keep going. You're worth every bit...

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Let your colours spill over the lines

Let your colours spill over the lines

  I LOVE anything outside of the box. As a child I found it very hard to colour inside the lines and I'm glad to say I still do. I much prefer to live outside the box and to let colour spill over any lines. When was the last time you threw off the 'expected' and...

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At the end of the day

“At the end of the day we come home to ourselves.” – Lynika

So let’s be real shall we?

Let’s drop all the ‘What we should talk, dress, think, look, sound, behave, respond, write, decide, live like.” And instead — Live like there’s actually already a tenant in the building.

Someone is home paying the rent, the bills, taking care of the property and all that responsible good stuff. Somebody called YOU. And YOU is doing just fine thank you very much.

We wouldn’t want anyone traipsing into our homes and telling us what to do, not unless they were invited to do so, like a nice Feng Shui person or kind Aunt with good taste. And – – only invited if they were nice and switched on and even then we wouldn’t have to listen or take the suggestions on board at the end of the day if it didn’t feel right.

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Time to set sail!

Time to set sail!

  "Believe in yourself, invest in yourself, don't forget; you're the most important and impactive member on your team, make sure you're treating yourself right and showing respect to the one person who really can take you from A to B. If you're not busy being on...

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The special occasion

The special occasion

  "Live from that place in you that knows where the light switch is, trust it. Dare to live out loud with what drives you and don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is the special occasion." ~ Lynika    

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Doubt your doubts…

Doubt your doubts…

  "Let's flip the switch, right now, good and hard. Why continue to doubt your confidence, your dreams, your self? Don't go against yourself, you're the most important, valuable person on board, without you there can be no light that shines quite the same way....

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The Power Of Words

The Power Of Words

“Dylan Thomas described being a poet as walking over broken glass on your eyeballs. In terms of mental health statistics, we work in a dangerous occupation. Far from being fragile creatures, however, poets are unusually robust because the art allows us to face ambiguity, the non-linearity of time, and the difficulty of accurate articulation: the traditional realm of depression. Whatever the state of our health, writing gives us a second, robust body.”

—Gwyneth Lewis

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