What we fear…
If we take a breath and pull up a seat, we find that most of what scares or stalls us holds great alchemy. With presence and an open mind we often find that what we fear is simply waiting for us to listen and receive insight. Adversity, fear, 'dragons' are there for...
The bright messenger…
Contrary to many negative opinions on this emotion, I personally don't view anger as the bad guy. Like money, it's the use of it in our hands which determines a positive or negative outcome. Anger is a powerful and bright friend who alerts us when our boundaries are...
Remember this…
After my last post and the influx of responses received, I wanted to speak a little more to the power of owning yourselves... the power of not being beholden to other peoples projections, expectations, misconceptions or in some cases, outright bullying... Remember...
Stand up. Stand out. Shine on…
Use whatever energy comes your way as fuel. "Those who hate you don't win unless you hate them because then you destroy yourself" You're not what others think of you. They're simply painting their own projection. Step aside of their illusion and back into your own...
When it’s over…
Live while you're alive, right now this moment, this one and the next, these moments are your life. Live in all your bones, don't settle for someone else's version of you or your life. You came here to be you. Live that amazing self out loud. “When it's over, I want...
Where the real light is…
Most of your hard yakka is done behind closed doors but I know you're a champion. Immense respect to you for showing up in your life each day for another round. Through adversity and daily challenges, you keep at it, chiselling away, quiet and determined. Even when...
Choose wise…
Abraham Lincoln said, “Reputation is the shadow. Character is the tree.“ Our reputation is what we try to display and profile for others to see, but character is who we are when no one is watching. Having Good Character means doing the just and right thing solely...
Respect your bravery…
There are so many things to bless in our lives, even the little things, even if all you have is yourself right now, then take heart, this is the exact opportunity for you to be the kindest, most reliable and understanding friend you have. Believe in yourself, be kind...
That place in you…
Live from that place in you that knows where the light switch is, trust it. Dare to live out loud with what drives you, and don’t ever save anything for a special occasion... Being alive is the special occasion.
Keep Rising
Have you had someone tell you that what you have going is a nice little case of 'Hobby' when in fact you're working at your craft/business with all the oomph and resource you can muster? I've had a number of folk ask how to keep their faith when another or 'others'...