Drop those heavy rocks

Posted on: March 11th, 2012 by Lynika 4 Comments



“Adversity was my Nursery, School and my University and I wouldn’t trade it. It’s gifted me beyond the ordinary and into an extraordinary life.

But let’s not forget that adversity alone doesn’t guarantee you the gifts. It’s your job and power to find the opportunity and gold in every rock and hard place.

If at times you can’t find the diamond in the rough nor find anything gentle in the hardship, don’t worry. There’s another vital way to surge forward when this happens and it’s this… open your hands, let go and leave the rocks and hardness behind.

Don’t carry them with you, don’t stuff them down into your soul or try and figure them out by over analysing.

Don’t get hung up on having to find a reason as to why they’ve shown up in your life. Instead, give them a meaning and move forward.

Carrying rocks and holding onto the hardness will slow you down and drain you dry.

A light pack and open eyes make it a lot easier to spot and carry the good stuff, all the wonderful gifts that will serve you and grow you.

Here’s to you and your own unique satchel of glory and gain.”

~ Lynika


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4 Responses

  1. My gosh, what an horrific story. Not only the death but being left alone to process his emotions.

    I’m looking forward to reading some of his stuff now. Thanks for this piece on him.

    I especially liked your line,”and every one of you who has held on through the longer nights.” Another great post x

    • Lynika says:

      Thank you for your great comment. I think you’ll get a lot from reading more about Orr. His life is a great testimony to filterng suffering into an Art that in turn can be gifted to others as a life rope or light.

      To be alive:

      not just the carcass
      But the spark.

      That’s crudely put, but …

      If we’re not supposed to dance,
      Why all this music?

      ~ Gregory Orr ~

  2. I believe in poetry helping to cope with emotions too! and it’s always inspiring to read poems that really moves you πŸ™‚

    • Lynika says:

      Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It’s always wonderful when readers share their thoughts. Like Walt Whitman said β€œTo have great poets there must be great audiences too. πŸ™‚

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