Posts Tagged ‘Love’

The bright messenger…

Posted on: February 10th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

The bright messenger…

Contrary to many negative opinions on this emotion, I personally don’t view anger as the bad guy. 

Like money, it’s the use of it in our hands which determines a positive or negative outcome. 
Anger is a powerful and bright friend who alerts us when our boundaries are being crossed. 
It lets us know when something matters and we need to take action. 
It allows us to get clear, to take a stand, to not force our self-knowing into mute rage inside our bodies. 
Anger helps us rise, and say: ‘No’ 
Anger tells us when to walk away from what doesn’t serve us and it gifts us the fuel to believe in our worthiness, to choose what does belong in our lives. 
Don’t compromise your integrity by misjudging or fearing your anger. It’s a messenger. 
It says;  “This matters, and so beautiful soul, do you.”
– Dr Lynika

Remember this…

Posted on: January 26th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Champion yourself…

After my last post and the influx of responses received, I wanted to speak a little more to the power of owning yourselves…
the power of not being beholden to other peoples projections, expectations, misconceptions or in some cases, outright bullying…
Remember this; it’s what you do with the words after someone has spoken them to you that counts. That’s where the true power lies.
You are the sole person who gets to say if they’re true and to take them into your life.
I’m here to tell you, it’s not true that you are unworthy of love. It’s a story, but it’s not true. It’s actually a lie.
And most of all, most imperative of all is loving yourself. Gosh, so much has been said on self-love that you may initially wince when you read those words.
I’m not a mushy kind of person. I’ve been new-aged to death like everyone else. But the truth is, REAL self-love is not some soft-coated, flowery coat you put on with affirmations in the pockets.
Real self love is strong, gutsy, ballsy, respectful, take-no-prisoners energy towards yourself that shows up in your life as courage, dignity, repeated-resurrection, humility, compassion, humour and down to the bones living.
As Hemingway said: “A man can be destroyed and still not be defeated’
You can get knocked down by someones words, the song was wrong, sticks and stones can hurt your bones and words CAN also hurt you!
BUT, massive clause here, don’t you leave it at that. No sir!
You get back up, smack those words off like dust and remember the truth…
Sure some sucker can come along and knock you off your chair for a moment but YOU remember who you are, remember that ballsy self that doesn’t hand over life and truth to someone who thinks it’s okay to knock you.
YOU’RE the driver of your life, kick anyone out who tries to climb up in the rig and grab the wheel. They can get back in their own truck and deal with their own speed bumps.
You’ve got a road you’re on and a journey to make.
Love the person at the wheel, they’re gonna take you places you never imagined possible, you just have to remember they’re there, and don’t let anyone get between you and that kind of love.
That’s one place that rightfully and completely belongs to you, one love that won’t leave you high and dry. Period.

Stand up. Stand out. Shine on…

Posted on: January 24th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Stand up, Stand out, Shine on

Use whatever energy comes your way as fuel.

“Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them because then you destroy yourself”

You’re not what others think of you. They’re simply painting their own projection.

Step aside of their illusion and back into your own bones.

You are who you say you are. Own yourself.

This world needs your light.

You matter.

You were born to be you.

Stand up.

Stand out.

Shine on!


When it’s over…

Posted on: January 17th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

Live while you’re alive, right now this moment, this one and the next, these moments are your life.

Live in all your bones, don’t settle for someone else’s version of you or your life.

You came here to be you.

Live that amazing self out loud.

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it is over, I don’t want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.

I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

-Mary Oliver

Loss is a reminder to live w i d e and deep

Posted on: January 19th, 2016 by Lynika 2 Comments

My Brother My Hero

Sometimes life calls us to take unplanned yet vital journeys into necessary self care. Shock and bereavement from sudden, multiple losses in my family took me into one of these journeys over the past months.

Those who know me personally or through my work, know I advocate, validate and honour the need for grief, privacy and space for all. Self care is imperative, it is no different when that grief is my own. 

Most recently (a few short weeks ago) I lost one of the most beloved people in my life. He mirrored very much the heart I have for this world. We were twin like in that way. Having a birthday (both his, and mine soon) without him, highlights the great space he held in my life and I want to honour that space for a moment here.

He was a gifted singer/musician and incredibly intelligent, loving man, his songs and conversation, his great love for me and this world live limitlessly in my heart and thoughts.

I am blessed to call him my brother, he was my first hero and remains a hero. For all he endured he continued to love deeply and give to others however he could throughout his pain and illness, he was one of the most selfless people I have met.

I have always said life is here and now, this moment right here is our life. More than anything loss is a reminder to live wide and deep in each moment we have. I’ve spoken often on how each moment is also a new years eve. Again loss reminds us to claim and own ourselves, our moments, our lives.

My brother was young, the moments we had together too brief, I cherish each moment and rise with grace and dignity in honour of those who didn’t get the chance to be here long or long enough.

This moment right here, right now, this is your moment, the most precious one you have, love and own them all, stay as present as you can and relish any you get to share with another. There are no time guarantees.

Live out loud.

Live while you’re alive.

Love to you all.

The truth about rejection

Posted on: December 3rd, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“For those who have felt concerned or hurt by the (sometimes unexpected) rejection of someone in your life…

The truth is there are some people who will only be there for you as long as you have something they need. When you no longer serve a purpose to them, they will leave.

The good news is, if you tough it out, you’ll eventually weed people like this out of your life and be left with authentic folk you can count on.

We rarely lose genuine friends or lovers, we just gradually figure out who the real ones are…

Remember the saying ‘We must not let other people’s limited perceptions define us’.

Instead, make use of the adversity in your life, let it show you how strong and worthy you are.”

~ Lynika Cruz

Surround yourself with the right people

Posted on: November 20th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment




“You must surround yourself with the right people, it’s imperative to your heart, soul and dreams. You wouldn’t fill your house with things that make you miserable and sad. Don’t fill your life with anything less than the beautiful people who deserve you in theirs.” ~ Lynika Cruz


Just around the corner…

Posted on: November 14th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Life is always full of corners… what and who is around the next one and the next? How can it ever be anything but exciting to be alive?” – Lynika Cruz

In your house

Posted on: November 8th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment


“Although Pablo Neruda wrote exquisitely about love and romantic love, I believe this excerpt from one of his great works applies so deeply to our relationship with ourselves.
There is an inner, deep-self-you which longs for you to truly live in the authentic, passionate house of yourself.

Don’t neglect the one person who will there with you through everything. The one person who truly will never miss a moment of your life. Treat that one person as the most precious, needed source in your life and you will see miraculous changes and growth occur within and the fall out will bless this entire planet.

We need you to treat yourself with the utmost dignity and respect and keep your humour tucked safe in there as well. Invest in yourself. You are someone who deserves to take up space, someone who can make a difference in this world’ ~ Lynika Cruz

Finding your perfect partner

Posted on: October 28th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“How perfectly true! Surrounding ourselves with the right people, those we trust, and feel safe with is like stocking our pantries with fantastic, appealing food that helps us grow and keep strong.

One of the most influential people we have in our lives is often our partner, having someone on board who we can be authentic and safe with is not only invaluable on our journey but vital for good health and a happy soul.

Someone who tears you down isn’t going to help grow your one precious and worthy life.” ~ Lynika