Where true power lies…

Posted on: March 5th, 2013 by Lynika Write A Comment

not destroyed


Remember this, it’s what you do with the words after someone has spoken them to you that counts.

That’s where the true power lies.

You are the sole person who gets to say if they’re true and to take them into your life.

I’m here to tell you, it’s not true that you are unworthy of love. It’s a story, but it’s not true. It’s actually a lie.

And most of all, most imperative of all is loving yourself. Gosh, so much has been said on self-love that you may initially wince when you read those words.

I’m not a mushy kind of person. I’ve been new-aged to death like everyone else. But the truth is, REAL self-love is not some soft-coated, flowery coat you put on with affirmations in the pockets.

Real self love is strong, gutsy, ballsy, respectful, take-no-prisoners energy towards yourself that shows up in your life as courage, dignity, repeated-resurrection, humility, compassion, humour and down to the bones living.

As Hemingway said: “A man can be destroyed and still not be defeated’

You can get knocked down by someones words, the song was wrong, sticks and stones can hurt your bones and words CAN also hurt you!

BUT, massive clause here, don’t you leave it at that. No sir! You get back up, smack those words off like dust and remember the truth, sure some sucker can come along and knock you off your chair for a moment but you remember who you are, remember that ballsy self that doesn’t hand over life and truth to someone who thinks it’s okay to knock you.

YOU’RE the driver of your life, kick anyone out who tries to climb up in the rig and grab the wheel. They can get back in their own truck and deal with their own speed bumps. You’ve got a road you’re on and a journey to make. Love the person at the wheel, they’re gonna take you places you never imagined possible, you just have to remember they’re there and don’t let anyone get between you and that kind of love.

That’s one place that belongs to you, one love that won’t leave you high and dry. Period.

~ Lynika

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