Archive for the ‘Perseverance’ Category

Don’t let an intruder in your ‘house’

Posted on: December 20th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



Psst… has someone snuck into your home?

You wouldn’t allow anyone to come traipsing into your home unannounced, set up camp and start criticizing your every move would you…?

Even if you did invite someone in for advice, you wouldn’t have to listen or take their suggestions on board if it didn’t feel right.

And I doubt very much you’d ask them to move in and accompany you every day, everywhere, to give you moment by moment blows on your every thought and action?

Yet shockingly this is exactly what many have happening in their ‘homes’ right now.

Here’s a reminder of something vital the majority of people miss…

At the end of the day, we come home to ourselves.

You spend more time with yourself than anyone else.

Your friends, your family, all want to spend more time with you, but more than anyone else, YOU are the one who gets your company 24/7

It’s seriously time to drop all the effort you put into what you should:

• Act like

• Talk like

• Think like

• Dress like

• Sound like

• Work like

• Live like

And instead — live like there’s already a tenant in the building.

There is.

Someone is home paying the mortgage/rent and bills, taking care of the property, business and all that responsible good stuff…

Somebody called YOU. And YOU is doing just fine thank you very much.

Let me ask you this:

How long are you willing to wait in your life to break out and be yourself?

After you move house/state/country?

After you break up, make up, get married, divorced?

After you lose weight, gain weight, work out, join a group?

After next Weekend, Monday, Wednesday, Month, New Year?

Stop right there.

There’s NO more time to wait.

No magic number or date, no right state of being, no right person to be with first.

Any day, any moment, any time, YOU can choose to begin to be yourself.

From this point on, be your authentic, genuine, complete with virtues and vices, ‘self’

When you get home or wake up, have a rough time, or a good time, you want to know there’s one person who will always be there.

One person who’s proud of you and in your corner cheering you on no matter what…

That person is YOU.

Time to begin to really be YOU.

Let ‘er rip and to heck with anyone who thinks they could possibly know how to be a more authentic version of YOU.

This includes everything; your work, your art, finding your own voice and letting it have a home in the world etc.

What have you done today to praise the one person who needs and backs you the most?

Take precious care of your amazing self; this world needs YOU and YOUR light!

~ Lynika Cruz

“Dream outside the box… live wide and deep”

Find more on the power and use of self-talk, go here:


The real truth about adversity

Posted on: December 16th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Sometimes people are judgemental of those who have overcome great tragedy.

They say things like:

‘Oh you must have run over a China Man in a past life’ or ‘I wonder what you did to attract that!’

The trouble with phrases like this is, they portray adversity as either punishment or something to be ashamed off.

Both are incorrect.

Those who overcome adversity and those who are dealing with it right now deserve great respect and honour.

They are passing through new modules in their lives on the way to becoming greater, stronger, more compassionate and empathic versions of themselves.

The Gurus, the Saints, the Holy ones and the Wise are all those who have overcome great obstacles and challenges in life.

If you’re walking a hard path right now, take courage from these words:

You are the light we need most in this world. What you learn from this will create paths for others and grow new places in you that will serve you and this planet for life.

If you know someone going through a difficult, challenging time right now, give them the honour and respect they deserve and most need.

Words can wound or empower, make sure to check what you’re saying to others and yourself.

You are as valid and deserving as anyone else who needs your support and encouragement.

Speak well to and of others and the next time you see someone with a heavy load, embrace them, encourage them.

Remember you’re witnessing the most crucial act on this planet at its most vulnerable – Survival.”

~ Lynika Cruz

Getting to the finish line

Posted on: December 14th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Today I achieved something that has taken well over a year and a lot of commitment. But there was no doubt it would happen…

In the absence of doubt there’s only forward.

Doesn’t mean there’s no obstacles, setbacks, fear or opposition. It means nobody and nothing will stop you from bending yourself toward it and eventually reaching it.

A mantra of fierce perseverance and self-belief is what gets us to the finish line, every time.

Whatever you’re working on or striving for right now, I’m thinking of you and sending a big wave of kudos!

It takes courage to dream and guts to achieve but it’s worth every step for the immense strength you develop alongside the success.” ~ Lynika Cruz

What will you claim as yours today?

Posted on: December 10th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“What are you going to claim as your own today?

I hope it’s your life and I pray that you champion it with every speck of courage you have and don’t yet know you have.

Sometimes the path is already cleared before you and other-times you have to forge your own.

Whatever part of the trek you’re on today, remember every obstacle you have to navigate is a potential gift of strength.

Don’t be fooled into thinking adversity is your enemy, it will gift you when you stare it in the face and stride through it.

Do what you must at all odds and never trade a fierce life for a mediocre seat in the stands.” ~ Lynika Cruz

P.S. Humour and self-care are mighty tools along the way, be sure to use them.

Change that flat tyre!

Posted on: December 6th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Get out the jack instead and let all that good elbow grease and those endorphins get you back on the gung-ho track! This planet needs YOUR light! Keep powering those dreams and don’t look back or stop for anyone or anything that holds you down.” ~ Lynika Cruz

The truth about rejection

Posted on: December 3rd, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“For those who have felt concerned or hurt by the (sometimes unexpected) rejection of someone in your life…

The truth is there are some people who will only be there for you as long as you have something they need. When you no longer serve a purpose to them, they will leave.

The good news is, if you tough it out, you’ll eventually weed people like this out of your life and be left with authentic folk you can count on.

We rarely lose genuine friends or lovers, we just gradually figure out who the real ones are…

Remember the saying ‘We must not let other people’s limited perceptions define us’.

Instead, make use of the adversity in your life, let it show you how strong and worthy you are.”

~ Lynika Cruz

This moment right now is your life…

Posted on: November 22nd, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“You never know just how precious life is until you see or hear of someone losing the fight for theirs. This moment right now is your life…

As you read this quote you’re holding delicate moments of your own life in your hands and spending them.

Make sure you treasure each priceless, fragile, powerful moment.

Spend them well. Every single one of them is your life.” ~ Lynika Cruz

Bad day?

Posted on: November 18th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“When something bad, sad, disappointing, aggravating or upsetting happens, take things back into your own hands and flick the switch that changes the flow from there…

Stuff happens, it doesn’t mean we have to ‘pay the negative forward’.

Remember, we own our moments, if someone or something throws a stone on your path, you don’t have to pick it up and throw it, nor carry it with you.

Make a choice to re-direct your feet back onto a path that feels better.

And remember to also ‘Be careful whose toes YOU step on today because they might be connected to the foot that kicks your ass tomorrow’.

Keep a filter on your day and don’t let anything toxic set up camp with you.

Time is so precious. Don’t ‘rehearse’ life, you’re already on stage, living it, right this moment, right now. Make it yours.” ~ Lynika Cruz

How to treat your brain babies

Posted on: November 16th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Don’t believe the illusion of knock backs, rejections or other peoples opinions. They’re not a sign for you to give up on what you believe in…

If someone called your child ugly or hopeless would you feel embarrassed and walk away and abandon them?


Don’t treat your brain babies any less precious…

It doesn’t matter what others think. It matters that YOU believe in your dreams, protect them, help them grow and take their place in the world.

Whenever negative feedback is sent your way, grab the energy from it and transmute it into fierce fuel for your goal.

Never give in, look back or give away what you believe in.” – Lynika Cruz

Just around the corner…

Posted on: November 14th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Life is always full of corners… what and who is around the next one and the next? How can it ever be anything but exciting to be alive?” – Lynika Cruz