Archive for the ‘Worth’ Category

Remember who you really are

Posted on: January 27th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Remember who you really are and stay close to what truly feeds you. Reject and forget any stories that tell you otherwise. You matter”

~ Lynika

Don’t be so hard on yourself

Posted on: January 19th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Don’t judge any man until you have walked two moons in his moccasins.”
~ Native American Indian Proverb

Today I want to also remind you not to be so judgemental on yourself.

You are doing the best you can, trying in a crowded world to hear your voice and find or stay on your path.

Show respect to yourself.

Remember just as your words and judgements can cut another down, you too can be struck numb or dumb by your own self-battering.

Lift yourself up instead.

Acknowledge how far you’ve come and don’t forget to say to yourself regularly, ‘Good on you!’ and mean it.

We come home to ourselves at the end of every day, best make it someone you like, someone you care for, someone you’re going to listen to.

You’re with yourself for life, the one person who won’t leave you, so make sure you notice and say ‘well done cheer champ, you’re a bit of alright!’ and… mean it!

You, you’re worth your own respect and reward.

~ Lynika

No bullies allowed!

Posted on: January 15th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




Feed yourself the right words and company. You deserve the best support, encouragement and championing.

Make sure it comes from within as well as outside. No bullies allowed inside or out.

You matter!

~ Lynika

The difference between living and dying

Posted on: January 13th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment



Company, support, a kind word can often mean the difference between living and dying.

If you know or suspect someone is struggling or suffering, don’t turn your back, give them even a moment of your time and watch the old adage come true…

“A burden shared is a burden halved”

To any of you, your loved ones or friends doing it rough right now, I’m thinking of you. Keep going. You’re worth it.

You matter.

~ Lynika


Keep going, you’re doing great

Posted on: January 11th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




High Fiving YOU! You reading this right now.

Thank you for rising and living. You being here means everything.

Keep breathing, keep going.

This world needs your stories and your light. ~ Lynika


The power of acceptance

Posted on: January 7th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Acceptance will free you.

You don’t have to like something to accept it… but make no mistake, it WILL free you.

Break away from anything that ties a noose and grab your life in both hands. No matter what shape it’s in now, honour it for sticking by you.

Now go out there with all that you have, the good, the sad, the difficult, the glad… it’s brought you to this exact place on the map where you stand now.

Lean forward.

Take the steps and keep walking.

Do it in honour of what you’ve lost, in respect for what you’ll become.

Live it W I D E and deep.” ~ Lynika


Live your life in new ways

Posted on: January 1st, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment



How to survive…

“Live your life in new ways…

Climb out via the other side of the bed each morning.

Don’t reach for your phone, let your soul come back all the way first.

Notice small things, kneel in the garden, watch the tiny worlds living amongst the grass.

Remember how your heart beats for you each day, take deep breaths in return.

Work in a different room or corner of your home.

If you don’t work or you work for someone else, carry a stone or scrap of paper in your pocket with something valuable written on it.

It can be a quote, a word, a wish, your name…

Remember your world is bigger than 4 walls and it calls to you.

Eat outside.

Help someone.

Love the miracle of being here, alive, playing yourself for a short time on this magnificent stage.

Love your character. Write it new lines.

Remember to let it laugh, weep, dance, fall down, get up, love.

Think outside the old lines.

Don’t stay in one repeat episode.

Walk into new rooms, make new chapters.

Own your life.

Occupy it.

Our time here is brief.

Live it wild, w i d e, open and deep.”  ~ Lynika Cruz

“If there is one door in the castle you have been told not to go through, you must. Otherwise, you’ll just be rearranging furniture in rooms you’ve already been in.” ~ Anne Lamott


Get ready to shine, shine, shine

Posted on: December 26th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



This world has enough imitations…

Break free of any limitations you may have boxed yourself in with and shine, shine shine…

Because it turns out…

That little light of yours ain’t so little…

And it sure as heck doesn’t belong in the shade of anyone else’s shadow.

You don’t need anybody’s permission to be who you really are!

Live whole…

Live deep…

Live wide…

Live out loud..!

Count down with me…

In ten seconds you are going to decide to let go of everything and anything that keeps you small…











Welcome to the planet you magnificent, authentic, unique being!

We’ve been waiting for you! ~ Lynika Cruz

P.S. You’re born with the right to become YOU!

Don’t let an intruder in your ‘house’

Posted on: December 20th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



Psst… has someone snuck into your home?

You wouldn’t allow anyone to come traipsing into your home unannounced, set up camp and start criticizing your every move would you…?

Even if you did invite someone in for advice, you wouldn’t have to listen or take their suggestions on board if it didn’t feel right.

And I doubt very much you’d ask them to move in and accompany you every day, everywhere, to give you moment by moment blows on your every thought and action?

Yet shockingly this is exactly what many have happening in their ‘homes’ right now.

Here’s a reminder of something vital the majority of people miss…

At the end of the day, we come home to ourselves.

You spend more time with yourself than anyone else.

Your friends, your family, all want to spend more time with you, but more than anyone else, YOU are the one who gets your company 24/7

It’s seriously time to drop all the effort you put into what you should:

• Act like

• Talk like

• Think like

• Dress like

• Sound like

• Work like

• Live like

And instead — live like there’s already a tenant in the building.

There is.

Someone is home paying the mortgage/rent and bills, taking care of the property, business and all that responsible good stuff…

Somebody called YOU. And YOU is doing just fine thank you very much.

Let me ask you this:

How long are you willing to wait in your life to break out and be yourself?

After you move house/state/country?

After you break up, make up, get married, divorced?

After you lose weight, gain weight, work out, join a group?

After next Weekend, Monday, Wednesday, Month, New Year?

Stop right there.

There’s NO more time to wait.

No magic number or date, no right state of being, no right person to be with first.

Any day, any moment, any time, YOU can choose to begin to be yourself.

From this point on, be your authentic, genuine, complete with virtues and vices, ‘self’

When you get home or wake up, have a rough time, or a good time, you want to know there’s one person who will always be there.

One person who’s proud of you and in your corner cheering you on no matter what…

That person is YOU.

Time to begin to really be YOU.

Let ‘er rip and to heck with anyone who thinks they could possibly know how to be a more authentic version of YOU.

This includes everything; your work, your art, finding your own voice and letting it have a home in the world etc.

What have you done today to praise the one person who needs and backs you the most?

Take precious care of your amazing self; this world needs YOU and YOUR light!

~ Lynika Cruz

“Dream outside the box… live wide and deep”

Find more on the power and use of self-talk, go here:


Sail the boat, don’t sink it

Posted on: December 18th, 2014 by Lynika Write A Comment



“Never underestimate the most powerful, influential, loyal person in your life… YOU.

Believe in yourself, invest in yourself, don’t forget; you’re the most important and impactive member on your team.

Make sure you’re treating yourself right and showing respect to the one person who really can take you from A to B.

If you’re not busy being on board for yourself, you’re busy sinking the boat.

I know how powerful you are, how worth it you are, cut the anchors, time to set sail my dear friend!”

~ Lynika Cruz

“I searched endlessly for someone wonderful who would step out of the darkness and change my life. It never crossed my mind that that person could be me.” ~ Anna Quindlen