Your Super Power

Jan 5, 2014 | Freedom, life, Living, Worth




Each December many smart folk excitedly share their upcoming resolutions for the New Year…

Surprisingly many add how they almost always fail at keeping them.

They mostly shrug it off as inevitable and ‘par for the course’ to lose oomph and power over goals… but I have to tell you, it’s simply untrue.

YOU have such immense power over your life to change it and to reach your goals.

And this great power is the one we so often forget…

Sometimes we mistakenly think we’ve handed it over to another person, or perhaps we believe we no longer have the power because of past circumstance or a situation we’re currently in.

The truth is we always have access to this power and we CAN reclaim it and jump back into it full throttle at any time.

YOU have the power over your life to change it and to reach your goals.

True, we may not have power over outside events but the way we look at it and what we do with it IS always within our reach…

Don’t get me wrong…

Falling down is okay, sometimes we need to hit bottom to find our feet again…

But getting back up is vital, whether it’s literally or mentally or both.

Ultimately it’s up to us which window we choose to look through and with that choice comes our moment of great power.

Even mighty souls, who have found themselves imprisoned unjustly, have risen above, by holding on fiercely to POWER and ownership over their thoughts and outlook.

As Nelson Mandela said upon his release from jail:

“As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.”

This amazing power we have can change our lives in an instant.

The keys are in your hands and the driver seat is waiting.

Remember this… every moment is a ‘New Years Eve.’ You get to choose at any minute to get back up and forge ahead with the great gusto your goals and you deserve!

I’m here to remind you now, you have the right to YOUR life.

YOU own it.

Go out, hoist your power back and shine so hard this year we’ll all need front row seats and a handy pair of shades.

Thanks for your company these past 12 months. I look forward to another year of sharing with you.

To your dreams and your immense success!



“Dream outside the box… live wide and deep”