Posts Tagged ‘Strength’

If your light is too bright…

Posted on: April 3rd, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Don’t dim your power for anyone

Power shot for you my friend…

Last week I quoted Ronda while speaking to a brilliant audience (at Aaron Sansoni’s Entrepreneurs Summit) with Netflix Co-founder Mark Randolph

So to YOU my wise friend, today (or any day) should you encounter someone who wants you to shrink to please them (or to fit a so called status quo)… breathe in deep and take up all that rightful, valuable space in yourself.

Never back down on backing and investing in yourself. You were born to be you. Don’t dim your power for anyone…

Authenticity, self-respect, bravery, permission to be ALL that you are… the world not only needs that stuff like insulin…

There are also others watching you, who by proxy will learn that it’s invaluable, imperative and necessary to back who they are without shame, without shrinkage or dissolution.

Go out there and live ALL that you are…

Makes me so darn proud and overjoyed when I see someone take up space and OWN their life.

Go, you good thing, GO live out loud.

I’m cheering you fierce from the sidelines, I believe in you, make sure YOU believe in you and don’t back down…

If your light is too bright, others can be warmed and inspired by it or buy shades and sit respectfully in a back row.

Shine on my friend!

Dr Lynika Cruz

What we fear…

Posted on: March 21st, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Presence and an open mind

If we take a breath and pull up a seat, we find that most of what scares or stalls us holds great alchemy.

With presence and an open mind we often find that what we fear is simply waiting for us to listen and receive insight.

Adversity, fear, ‘dragons’ are there for the taking, to transmute into self healing, self empowerment.

Dr Lynika Cruz

The bright messenger…

Posted on: February 10th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

The bright messenger…

Contrary to many negative opinions on this emotion, I personally don’t view anger as the bad guy. 

Like money, it’s the use of it in our hands which determines a positive or negative outcome. 
Anger is a powerful and bright friend who alerts us when our boundaries are being crossed. 
It lets us know when something matters and we need to take action. 
It allows us to get clear, to take a stand, to not force our self-knowing into mute rage inside our bodies. 
Anger helps us rise, and say: ‘No’ 
Anger tells us when to walk away from what doesn’t serve us and it gifts us the fuel to believe in our worthiness, to choose what does belong in our lives. 
Don’t compromise your integrity by misjudging or fearing your anger. It’s a messenger. 
It says;  “This matters, and so beautiful soul, do you.”
– Dr Lynika

Remember this…

Posted on: January 26th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Champion yourself…

After my last post and the influx of responses received, I wanted to speak a little more to the power of owning yourselves…
the power of not being beholden to other peoples projections, expectations, misconceptions or in some cases, outright bullying…
Remember this; it’s what you do with the words after someone has spoken them to you that counts. That’s where the true power lies.
You are the sole person who gets to say if they’re true and to take them into your life.
I’m here to tell you, it’s not true that you are unworthy of love. It’s a story, but it’s not true. It’s actually a lie.
And most of all, most imperative of all is loving yourself. Gosh, so much has been said on self-love that you may initially wince when you read those words.
I’m not a mushy kind of person. I’ve been new-aged to death like everyone else. But the truth is, REAL self-love is not some soft-coated, flowery coat you put on with affirmations in the pockets.
Real self love is strong, gutsy, ballsy, respectful, take-no-prisoners energy towards yourself that shows up in your life as courage, dignity, repeated-resurrection, humility, compassion, humour and down to the bones living.
As Hemingway said: “A man can be destroyed and still not be defeated’
You can get knocked down by someones words, the song was wrong, sticks and stones can hurt your bones and words CAN also hurt you!
BUT, massive clause here, don’t you leave it at that. No sir!
You get back up, smack those words off like dust and remember the truth…
Sure some sucker can come along and knock you off your chair for a moment but YOU remember who you are, remember that ballsy self that doesn’t hand over life and truth to someone who thinks it’s okay to knock you.
YOU’RE the driver of your life, kick anyone out who tries to climb up in the rig and grab the wheel. They can get back in their own truck and deal with their own speed bumps.
You’ve got a road you’re on and a journey to make.
Love the person at the wheel, they’re gonna take you places you never imagined possible, you just have to remember they’re there, and don’t let anyone get between you and that kind of love.
That’s one place that rightfully and completely belongs to you, one love that won’t leave you high and dry. Period.

Stand up. Stand out. Shine on…

Posted on: January 24th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Stand up, Stand out, Shine on

Use whatever energy comes your way as fuel.

“Those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them because then you destroy yourself”

You’re not what others think of you. They’re simply painting their own projection.

Step aside of their illusion and back into your own bones.

You are who you say you are. Own yourself.

This world needs your light.

You matter.

You were born to be you.

Stand up.

Stand out.

Shine on!


When it’s over…

Posted on: January 17th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

“I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

Live while you’re alive, right now this moment, this one and the next, these moments are your life.

Live in all your bones, don’t settle for someone else’s version of you or your life.

You came here to be you.

Live that amazing self out loud.

“When it’s over, I want to say: all my life
I was a bride married to amazement.
I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms.

When it is over, I don’t want to wonder
if I have made of my life something particular, and real.
I don’t want to find myself sighing and frightened,
or full of argument.

I don’t want to end up simply having visited this world.”

-Mary Oliver

Where the real light is…

Posted on: January 4th, 2017 by Lynika Write A Comment

Where the real light is…

Most of your hard yakka is done behind closed doors but I know you’re a champion.

Immense respect to you for showing up in your life each day for another round.

Through adversity and daily challenges, you keep at it, chiselling away, quiet and determined.

Even when you’re beat and nobody’s cheering you on or ‘liking’ your efforts aloud behind the scenes.

Remember to respect how insanely amazing and worthy you are.

I’m not blinded by showiness or public claims of grandeur… I see in the dark where the real light is; YOURS.

Respect your bravery…

Posted on: December 29th, 2016 by Lynika Write A Comment
Respect your Bravery

Respect your Bravery

There are so many things to bless in our lives, even the little things, even if all you have is yourself right now, then take heart, this is the exact opportunity for you to be the kindest, most reliable and understanding friend you have.

Believe in yourself, be kind to yourself and don’t get adversity confused with bad luck or unfairness.

It hurts sometimes yes, it’s incredibly difficult sometimes too, let’s face it, sometimes it feels too much.

But the truth is, you’re in training, you’re doing the hard work, you’re pushing for something worthwhile, adversity doesn’t skip town on paying or rewarding you for the hard slog and/or dark times.

No, sometimes we just forget to look at what it’s gifted us.

Sometimes we are so busy and caught up looking at what it took from us that we can’t see what it has left us.

I’m not saying it’s easy, it’s not. But it’s worth it.

Look in the right places and the right direction and keep going. You’re worth it and I’m right here with you, sailing my own seas and you know what, I think of you every day, out there, just like me, doing your very best.

I’m glad you’re on this planet, each one of us matters, each moment matters.

If this moment is hard for you, hold on.

It will turn, it will change, make sure you look for what it becomes.


I love the fighters, and there’s one in all of us. Let yours live. Feed it.

Posted on: August 16th, 2016 by Lynika Write A Comment
Don't quit on yourself half way. There's a light in you, protect it, champion it. It will sustain you as you find the corners that will lead you back out of the dark - Lynika

Don’t quit on yourself half way. There’s a light in you, protect it, champion it. It will sustain you and lead you back out of the dark – Lynika

We are not our circumstances. We are the being that drives through, over, around or alongside them. Remember who and what you are and keep your foot on the gas pedal.

You’re the driver. You get to decide where to from here. You and you alone OWN your life and the right to live it out loud.

“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “press on” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
– Calvin Coolidge

Fighters fight!

Posted on: February 27th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Nothing can stop us more than our own perceived limitations. Roll up the sleeves and bust through any barriers. You get stronger as you surge forward, committed, determined, focused. Fighters fight!” ~Lynika