Emotions and feelings are guideposts, important messengers.
They’re really the answers within you, every time.
They’re a built in compass that save you enormous time, money, effort and energy.
Many people try to avoid uncomfortable feelings like the plague.
They want them to go away or be ‘fixed’ but the truth is…
emotions are there for a powerful reason, and their enormous worth and value are all too often overlooked.
It’s like turning down a valuable gift that you really need…
all because you don’t like the packaging.
But the quicker you get the packaging off, the quicker you uncover the gifts and are able to use them.
When you lean into the feeling instead, and listen to it,
you become more empowered,
switched on,
and energised.
Because you find out exactly what’s going on.
Emotions will tell you where you’re depleted or weakened,
and what needs changing.
They’ll tell you if a boundary of yours has been compromised,
and what steps and decisions you need to make.
The additional bonus is you get to know yourself in ways you never knew before.
This leads to greater empowerment, clarity and groundedness.
It makes you much less likely to be tripped up and waylaid by someone else’s ideas of what you need.
It gets you in tune with your own inner compass.
It gets you moving from stuck… to momentum.
Pay attention to your feelings and lean in…
You WERE born with a compass,
a manual…
and your emotions are a big part of the instructions.
Learn to read them.
Own your life.
You matter.
Forward we go,
#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost