
The truth is you’re not broken…
You’re not broken, you’re wounded and therein lies your key. Being ‘broken’ is a sadly common phrase, too easily picked up and worn like a final statement. The truth is you’re not broken. You’re wounded. And realising this makes for more self compassion, more...

Fierce Forward
Never give in, look back or give away what you truly believe in.

You were born for this…
Those who work hard and invest in themselves do so to stay in the world stronger and longer for the people they love, and for all those they will inspire and encourage as a result. Playing small offers no favour to this world. Do not quit or be guilted...

Keep Walking
There will sometimes be worthy things that pop up and need your attention from time to time. Fakes aren’t one of them. Haters are just fake distractions hoping to become more. Breeze past that trash. You do You. You amazing, worthy, powerful light. Keep Walking. Dr...

Own Your Life
Contrary to what most have been told, championing and believing in yourself is your birthright, and the key to successful living… Successful living? You might ask ‘what is that?’ Well let me assure you, it involves much more than just surviving this life… It means...

Fill Your Thank Tank
If you want to feel joy come at you, make sure you notice and appreciate what massive blessings already surround you. Even if things are rough right now and you feel you’re coming up short on your list of gratitude, try these for starters... Clean...

Your Story Matters
Stories are bridges where we can meet, a light for those walking behind us on the path, and our legacy to the world. Your story matters. Dr Lynika Cruz

Let This Free You…
No matter who you are, no matter how strong, there are times even the fiercest parts of you need to take rest. Honour that. Know that retreating to give yourself time takes courage in itself. Any who push or scorn you for your absence are not your tribe. Fix your...

Back Yourself 24/7
So don't beat yourself up when you're going through some of the less enjoyable bits... Life is a medley. No matter what you do there will be easier and not so easier times. What matters is that you back yourself. 24/7 you have your human self to care for. Treat...

If your light is too bright…
Power shot for you my friend... Last week I quoted Ronda while speaking to a brilliant audience (at Aaron Sansoni's Entrepreneurs Summit) with Netflix Co-founder Mark Randolph So to YOU my wise friend, today (or any day) should you encounter someone who wants you to...