Be your integrity not just a meme of it

Be a light for others.

It’s all good and well to post memes and quotes about right action and helping others less fortunate or capable…

But it’s another thing to take action and actually help.

No dollar is too small, only the one not given.

No kind word is useless except for the one not spoken.

No donation of clothing, socks or blankets goes unnoticed except for those shivering on the streets or in poverty without receiving them.

Anything you give matters to the one in desperate need of it.

Memes alone don’t keep people warm, they don’t protect children or donate on your behalf.

Please take the small amount of time it takes to ACT on the topics you talk and post about.

There are so many ways you CAN make a real difference, right now.

BE for others the hands you’d want most in your life if it were your time in need.

There is no separation, no “other people’s children” or “other people’s struggle”

You can’t do it all but you can do something.

Do that something now.

Together, giving what we can, where we can, we stand for all. 

Be your integrity not a meme of it.

Forward we go,


Dr Lynika

Image Quote by Lynika Photo by Archee Lal