Posts Tagged ‘Kindness’

You can’t do it all but you can do something…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

You CAN do something


Be a light for others.

It’s all good and well to post memes and quotes about right action and helping others less fortunate or capable…

But it’s another thing to take action and actually help.

No dollar is too small, only the one not given.

No kind word is useless except for the one not spoken.

No donation of clothing, socks or blankets goes unnoticed except for those shivering on the streets or in poverty without receiving them.

Anything you give matters to the one in desperate need of it.

Memes alone don’t keep people warm, they don’t protect children or donate on your behalf.

Please take the small amount of time it takes to ACT on the topics you talk and post about.

There are so many ways you CAN make a real difference, right now.

BE for others the hands you’d want most in your life if it were your time in need.

There is no separation, no “other people’s children” or “other people’s struggle”

You can’t do it all but you can do something.

Do that something now.

Together, giving what we can, where we can, we stand for all. 

Be your integrity not a meme of it.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

Be kind, be kind, be kind…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Be kind. Be kind. Be kind

May you wake with generosity and give with generosity to those that have less. 

Being in a position to give, is a blessing in itself. 

And you often never realise who may be suffering deeply and going without basic human needs, in your own circle…

Sometimes it takes a long time to receive what is needed. 

Stay brave,

hold your own hand and…

Be kind.

Be kind.

Be kind.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

Your world is bigger than 4 walls and it calls you…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

Don’t stay in one repeat episode


These moments are your life…

Live them in new ways… 

Climb out the other side of the bed each morning.

Don’t reach for your phone right away, let your soul come back all the way first. 

Notice small things, kneel in the garden, the park, watch the tiny worlds living amongst the grass. 

Remember how your heart beats for you each day, take deep breaths in return. 

Work in a different room or corner of your home. 

If you don’t work or you work for someone else, carry a stone or scrap of paper in your pocket with something valuable written on it.

It can be a quote,

a word,

a wish,

your name…

Remember your world is bigger than 4 walls and it calls to you. 

Eat outside. 

Help someone. 

Love the miracle of being here, alive, playing yourself for a short time on this magnificent stage.

Love your character.

Write it new lines. 

Remember to let it laugh, weep, dance, fall down, get up, love.

Think outside the old lines.

Don’t stay in one repeat episode. 

This day isn’t a rehearsal for something ‘better’ up ahead. 

Walk into new rooms, make new chapters.

Own your moments, your life is made of these. 

Occupy them.

Our time here is brief.

Live it wild, w i d e, open and deep.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

Take time for silence…

Posted on: July 26th, 2019 by Lynika Write A Comment

You are enough, you do enough


Take time for silence, reflection, pondering, emptying, space, stillness. 

You don’t have to justify your value with constant productivity.

You are enough, you do enough. 

Breathing and rising each day is a gift, take time to lean into that.

And take time off grid whenever you need. 

Your wellbeing is crucial…

And answers often find us in those quiet, intimate corners of our lives. 

You matter.

Forward we go,

Dr Lynika

#liveyourlife #blogger #newblogpost

You were born for this…

Posted on: April 4th, 2018 by Lynika Write A Comment

Playing small offers no favour to this world


Those who work hard and invest in themselves do so to stay in the world stronger and longer for the people they love, and for all those they will inspire and encourage as a result.


Playing small offers no favour to this world.


Do not quit or be guilted about self-investment.


This is your LIFE and legacy at stake and nobody has the right to throw opinionated rocks at you, nor distract you with fear-soaked ‘cotton wool’ limits.


If you’re operating from reason and integrity then you must play all out for yourself.


It’s the only way to authentically reach the platform where you can go all out for others.


The more you make of yourself the more you genuinely have to offer.


“To be successful you have to be selfish, or else you never achieve. And once you get to your highest level, then you have to be unselfish. Stay reachable. Stay in touch. Don’t isolate.”

Michael Jordan


Great minds think alike, so rise up like Baruch, Michael and I, and countless others who have held fierce to their life, and don’t EVER allow yourself to be shamed out of creating your greatest self, your legacy.


You were born for this.

Dr Lynika Cruz



Loss is a reminder to live w i d e and deep

Posted on: January 19th, 2016 by Lynika 2 Comments

My Brother My Hero

Sometimes life calls us to take unplanned yet vital journeys into necessary self care. Shock and bereavement from sudden, multiple losses in my family took me into one of these journeys over the past months.

Those who know me personally or through my work, know I advocate, validate and honour the need for grief, privacy and space for all. Self care is imperative, it is no different when that grief is my own. 

Most recently (a few short weeks ago) I lost one of the most beloved people in my life. He mirrored very much the heart I have for this world. We were twin like in that way. Having a birthday (both his, and mine soon) without him, highlights the great space he held in my life and I want to honour that space for a moment here.

He was a gifted singer/musician and incredibly intelligent, loving man, his songs and conversation, his great love for me and this world live limitlessly in my heart and thoughts.

I am blessed to call him my brother, he was my first hero and remains a hero. For all he endured he continued to love deeply and give to others however he could throughout his pain and illness, he was one of the most selfless people I have met.

I have always said life is here and now, this moment right here is our life. More than anything loss is a reminder to live wide and deep in each moment we have. I’ve spoken often on how each moment is also a new years eve. Again loss reminds us to claim and own ourselves, our moments, our lives.

My brother was young, the moments we had together too brief, I cherish each moment and rise with grace and dignity in honour of those who didn’t get the chance to be here long or long enough.

This moment right here, right now, this is your moment, the most precious one you have, love and own them all, stay as present as you can and relish any you get to share with another. There are no time guarantees.

Live out loud.

Live while you’re alive.

Love to you all.

Self-esteem is not a dirty word

Posted on: February 13th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“Contrary to what most have been told, championing and believing in yourself is your birth right, and the key to successful living…

Successful living?

You might ask, ‘What is that?’

Well let me assure you, it involves much more than just surviving this life…

It means living it with all your callings and passions pursued and relished.

Life is in the living.

This moment right here, right now? It’s not a draft; it’s the real deal. Don’t waste a minute more.

You want to saturate yourself in your life, live in all your bones with all your heart.

This means being on your own side, talking with respect to yourself. It means listening to what your ‘self’ is telling you, and caring deeply, with priority, about those wants, passions and needs.

This person you are, the human you came in to be, that person is at your mercy, treat them well, with dignity, respect, encouragement and belief.

Know you are worthy and start living it…

Everything else is conditioning; everything else is someone else’s agenda.

And remember, living a self-empowered life means helping others along the way, who have forgotten.

When they stumble over the self-denigration minefield, put out your hand and remind them, tell them; they are worth the push it will take them to stand back up.

Never underestimate how much this world needs you to be good to yourself so you can inspire yourself and others, toward an authentic, full life.

Self-esteem is not a dirty word.

But putting yourself down, not believing in the immensity of who you are?

That is foul play.

And you rob this world of the light you came in with… and that is the real you, not the filter others and you have placed on yourself. Clean the lens!

Be who you are and be damn proud of it.

We are all wise enough to know this isn’t about an over inflated ego… it’s about gutsy, show up for yourself honour.

Let that stuff shine.” ~ Lynika




Here’s to you

Posted on: February 5th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment




“You are the real warriors and heroes in this world and you deserve immense respect, especially your own. You matter.”  ~ Lynika


The difference between living and dying

Posted on: January 13th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment



Company, support, a kind word can often mean the difference between living and dying.

If you know or suspect someone is struggling or suffering, don’t turn your back, give them even a moment of your time and watch the old adage come true…

“A burden shared is a burden halved”

To any of you, your loved ones or friends doing it rough right now, I’m thinking of you. Keep going. You’re worth it.

You matter.

~ Lynika


The ordinary is extraordinary

Posted on: January 5th, 2015 by Lynika Write A Comment



“So much of the ordinary is extraordinary, we often don’t pause long enough, to see the daily miracles tucked inside our days.” ~ Lynika