by admin | Jul 26, 2019 | Empower, Alchemy, Brave, Courage, emotions, Freedom, integrity, legacy, life, Living, Permission, Perseverance, Power, Stories, Strength, Survival, Truth, Uplift, Worth
You’re here to be you. You’re here to bring what you bring without a dimmer switch. Like I always say; people can buy shades and sit quietly in a back row if they can’t handle your brilliance. Don’t dim your light, volume, passion, knowing or...
by admin | Jul 26, 2019 | Permission, Adversity, Alchemy, Brave, Courage, emotions, Empower, feelings, Freedom, integrity, life, light, Living, Perseverance, Power, Stories, Strength, Survival, Truth, Uplift, Worth
Hush to the folks who house their minds in small rooms with no light. Those with dogged opinions and aggressive ideals… this is your cue to take a look at your own humanity and heart, instead of dishing out stale barbed wire, judgement bile. That stuff ain’t...
by admin | Jul 26, 2019 | life, Adversity, Courage, Freedom, legacy, light, Living, Permission, Power, Strength, Truth, Uplift, Worth
We need to value and achieve what can’t be measured, in order to be in balance behind the scenes as well. Surface success will never grow the soul, the heart, or home. Don’t let anyone convince you that success comes at the sacrifice of your family or health....
by admin | Jul 26, 2019 | life, Alchemy, Brave, Courage, Freedom, Gratitude, legacy, light, Living, Power, Strength, Survival, Truth, Uplift, Worth
Your life isn’t a practice run… It’s right here, right now. Each and every moment is turning into a memory. Saturate them. Play the leading role you were given, with all your heart and gusto. Leave nothing to waste, dive all the way in, widen your beliefs to...
by admin | Jul 26, 2019 | Adversity, Alchemy, Brave, Courage, emotions, Empower, feelings, Freedom, Gratitude, Kindness, legacy, life, light, Living, loss, Love, Loved, Permission, Perseverance, Power, Stories, Strength, Survival, transcience, Truth, Uplift, Worth
What are you going to do with all that dark? Find a way to glow in it… Why? Because that’s what you do in the dark, you find the light… you find the smallest speck and you grow it… and then you exude that light, and then you shine it...